Game Overview

──A serious battle over fully on-chain NFTs.Something no one in the world has ever experienced.The excitement of taking NFTs from others’ wallets.The thrill of having your NFTs at risk of being taken.

Winning will make you cry in joy.Losing will make you cry tears.

A revolutionary “Play to Earn” game that will shake your heart from Japan.

In the year 2022, launched on the Ethereum Mainnet.“Isekai Battle” will reinvent the game experience to something “real”──

“Isekai Battle” is a PVP blockchain game in which players battle each other for NFTs (Fragments) to complete a series.

The prototype of fully on-chain games utilizing NFTs, which will be a norm in the future, is realized on the Ethereum blockchain with the best technology available today, taking us into a new era of blockchain games.

*Isekai Battle is in its v1 phase and the white paper is subject to change.


Hundreds of years have passed since the war of the gods ended.

The people of Turkenista were beginning to return to their peaceful lives.

This is Halnearth in the far east of Turkenista.

A torn book is found in a shrine said to be an ancient ruin.

The Book of Rein, Chapter of Truth, Verse 14

This was the name given to the pages which contained

a map of what seems to be Halnearth

and words that no one could read.

When the seven Fragments come together